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 Articulo sobre Apareciones...

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Vampire Slayer
Vampire Slayer

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PostSubject: Articulo sobre Apareciones...   Articulo sobre Apareciones... I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 18, 2012 3:12 pm

Explicación: El padre Sebastián Obermaier afirma que la Iglesia sí cree en posesiones diabólicas.

Hace tres años, Wilman Cardozo, diputado de Alianza Social (AS), presenció —según su propio testimonio— un hecho sobrenatural o paranormal en el Salón Rojo de la sede de la Asamblea Legislativa Plurinacional. En medio del reclamo de una demanda regional de Tarija, decidió entrar solo, sin compañía, a una huelga de hambre. Previamente, había escuchado de colegas parlamentarios que en la Asamblea se escuchaban por las noches pasos y ruidos.

En una de las cinco noches que permaneció en huelga de hambre dentro del Salón Rojo presenció varios hechos extraños. Una madrugada, entre las 01.00 y 03.00, una botella de agua mineral de 20 litros comenzó a emitir gases por dentro del recipiente de plástico. “Sonaba bum, bum, repetidas veces y salía espuma del agua. No pude dormir”, recordó. Después, otra noche, escuchó que las puertas se cerraban fuertemente a la altura del baño y sentía que una persona hojeaba libros dentro del Hemiciclo, a pocos metros de donde él se hallaba echado sobre un colchón.

HECHOS EXTRAÑOS. Aquella vez, no observó ninguna imagen pero sí escuchó ruidos similares al de una persona cuando pasa una hoja tras otra mientras lee.
El diputado rememoró además que el ex presidente de la Cámara de Diputados Guido Áñez le confesó una vez que se oían sonidos raros en la oficina de la Presidencia. “Decía que se escuchaban gritos de personas”. “El senador Luis Vásquez Villamor me garantizó, una vez, que oyó ruidos de sables en los pasillos, cuando los trabajadores ya habían abandonado la sede del Congreso”, afirmó.

Dos trabajadores del área de Limpieza, que prefirieron guardar su nombre en reserva, confirmaron el testimonio del diputado Cardozo. “Por la noche, se sienten sonidos extraños. Se escuchan voces de personas cuando los trabajadores y los asambleístas ya no están”, sostuvo un obrero. IGLESIA SÍ CREE. El presidente de la Fundación Cuerpo de Cristo, el sacerdote Sebastián Obermaier, dijo que los fenómenos paranormales, como la aparición de almas y voces extrañas, una persona los puede ver o sentir por tres motivos: por el reflejo de lo que pasa en el corazón, por enfermedades mentales (esquizofrenia) y por la posesión de un espíritu malo.

Según los psiquiatras, la esquizofrenia es un diagnóstico en personas con un grupo de trastornos mentales crónicos y graves, caracterizados por alteraciones en la percepción o la expresión de la realidad. Además, para el padre Obermaier, la Iglesia sí acepta la existencia de hechos paranormales y posesiones de demonios en las personas.

SALUD MENTAL. El sacerdote Juan Ruiz aseveró que para confirmar la observación o presencia de un hecho sobrenatural por una persona, o sea, de un acontecimiento que no es normal —como la aparición de un alma o una visión divina—, primero se debe analizar la salud mental de ese individuo, ya que es posible que posea esquizofrenia.

“Si la persona es sana, entonces podrá analizarse el hecho que presenció”, dijo el sacerdote tras confirmar que la Iglesia Católica sí reconoce la existencia de hechos sobrenaturales, como las apariciones de espíritus y los milagros divinos.

Foto con una imagen extraña

Un experimentado fotoperiodista de un reconocido periódico local —cuyo nombre se guarda en reserva— dijo a La Prensa que, en 2003, asistió a la conferencia de prensa de un diputado en el Salón Rojo de la Asamblea Legislativa.

“Tomé varias fotografías y al revelarlas, en una de ellas había una especie de mancha blanca al costado del rostro del diputado, no era una luz ni un reflejo, parecía la silueta de una persona”, recordó. No obstante, ése no es el único hecho extraño que le ocurrió. Hace unos días, estaba en el segundo nivel del Hemiciclo y al tomar unas fotos, alguien le tocó la espalda, volteó y no había nadie.

Trabajador sintió que le abrazaron

Un empleado de limpieza, cuyo nombre se guarda en reserva, tuvo una experiencia a la medianoche del mes pasado, mientras bajaba por las gradas que conectan a la planta baja del edificio anexo que conduce a la calle Comercio, frente a la Gobernación de La Paz. “Había terminado mi jornada de trabajo y me estaba yendo a mi casa. Entonces, sentí que alguien me abrazó por la espalda. Estaba oscuro, no tuve miedo y empecé a correr”, confesó el joven.

El año pasado, un periodista que trabajaba en la sede de la Asamblea acudió a su oficina. “Era domingo en la mañana, y al llegar a la oficina escuché el sonido del tecleo de computadoras y risas. Pero al ingresar, no había nadie”, recordó.

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Dragon Lord
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PostSubject: Re: Articulo sobre Apareciones...   Articulo sobre Apareciones... I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 18, 2012 3:37 pm

Thank you Latin Lotita

Possession is never good. Seems that the Catholic church is one of the few organizations to recognize the existance of Demonic Possession. There have also been many scams as well - where people of some churches have been duped by fake blood coming from Mary and water supposedly dripping upside down. I read an article where there was a small church somewhere in South America - if my recollection serves me correct- where the small congregation was duped by the priest and thought the church's statue of Mary was crying real tears and the statue of Jesus was bleeding from the Cross. Later on it was found the Preist had done it so more people would come to the church and others would donate money to the small congregation due to the spectical of it being "touched" by God.

thanks and thanks for understanding about including an English translation. Cool
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Vampire Slayer
Vampire Slayer

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PostSubject: ...   Articulo sobre Apareciones... I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 18, 2012 3:54 pm

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PostSubject: Google Translator version   Articulo sobre Apareciones... I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 18, 2012 9:05 pm

Here is the article translated by Google:

Explanation: The Father Sebastian Obermaier says that the Church does believe in demonic possession.

Three years ago, Wilman Cardozo, Deputy Social Alliance (AS), saw his own testimony-as-a supernatural or paranormal in the Red Room of the headquarters of the Plurinational Legislative Assembly. Amid the demand for a regional demand for Tarija, decided to go solo, unaccompanied, to a hunger strike. Previously, he had heard from fellow parliamentarians in the Assembly at night you could hear footsteps and noises.

In one of the five nights we stayed on hunger strike inside the Red Room witnessed many strange events. One morning, between 01.00 and 03.00, a bottle of mineral water 20 liters began issuing gases inside the plastic container. "It sounded like boom, boom, foam repeatedly in and out of the water. I could not sleep, "he said. Then another night, he heard the doors closed tightly to the height of the bath and felt that a person browsing books in the Chamber, a few meters from where he was lying on a mattress.

Strange fact. This time, did not see any picture but heard noises similar to a person when a blade passes after another while reading.
The deputy also recalled that the former president of the Chamber of Deputies Áñez Guido once confessed that he could hear strange sounds in the office of the Presidency. "She said she heard screams of people." "Senator Luis Vasquez Villamor assured me once, he heard saber rattling in the corridors, when workers had left the Congress," he said.

Two workers cleaning area, who preferred to keep his name confidential, confirmed the testimony of Deputy Cardozo. "At night, they feel strange sounds. We hear voices of people as workers and assembly members are no longer, "said one worker. YES CREE CHURCH. The president of the Foundation Body of Christ, the priest Sebastian Obermaier, said the paranormal phenomena such as the emergence of souls and strange voices, a person can see them or feel for three reasons: the reflection of what happens in the heart for mental illness (schizophrenia) and possession of an evil spirit.

According to psychiatrists, schizophrenia is diagnosed in people with chronic mental disorders group and severe, characterized by alterations in the perception or expression of reality. In addition, for the father Obermaier, the Church does accept the existence of paranormal events and possessions of demons in people.

MENTAL HEALTH. The priest Juan Ruiz said that to confirm the observation or a supernatural presence of a person, or an event that is not normal, as the appearance of a soul or a divine vision, we must first analyze the mental health of that individual, since it is possible that has schizophrenia.

"If the person is healthy, then you can look into the fact that he witnessed," said the priest after confirming that the Catholic Church does recognize the existence of supernatural events, like the apparitions of spirits and divine miracles.

Photo with an odd image

An experienced photojournalist of a prominent local newspaper, whose name is kept in reserve, told La Prensa that in 2003, attended the press conference a deputy in the Red Room of the Legislative Assembly.

"I took several pictures and to reveal, in one of them was a kind of white patch on the side of the face of the deputy, was not a light or a reflection, like the silhouette of a person," he said. However, this is not the only strange thing happened. A few days ago, was on the second floor of the Chamber and taking some pictures, someone touched his back, turned around and there was none.

Workers felt that embraced

A janitor, whose name is kept in reserve, had an experience at midnight last month while coming down the stairs connecting the ground floor of the annex building which leads to Commerce Street, opposite the Government of La Paz . "I had finished my work day and I was leaving my house. Then I felt someone hugged me from behind. It was dark, I was not afraid and started running, "confessed the young man.

Last year, a journalist working at the headquarters of the Assembly came to his office. "It was Sunday morning, and came to the office I heard the sound of the click of computer and laughter. But upon entering, there was nobody, "he recalled.

It is a very good article and you are right about the Catholic Church being one of the few which has the means to fight this, Tethys13. Still, the official Church Doctrine is to not recognize demonic possession, although many priests are trained in performing exorcisms.
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Dragon Lord
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PostSubject: Re: Articulo sobre Apareciones...   Articulo sobre Apareciones... I_icon_minitimeThu Jan 19, 2012 11:00 am

Also noted most don't know where they got the rituals to do the exorcisms, which parts were taken by pagan ceremonies.

Incense, salt, and in some cases water (if you leave out the holy part) water is said to keep ghosts and other spirits away.

If you leave a glass of water out and it gets cloudy that means a ghost has been attracted to it - drawing in the energy of it and then leaving it without.

A lot of this was in a book I read years ago whose name I cannot remember.
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PostSubject: Re: Articulo sobre Apareciones...   Articulo sobre Apareciones... I_icon_minitimeThu Jan 19, 2012 9:04 pm

Since much of what is practiced in the modern Church can be traced back to Pagan times, I do think they brought with them ways in dealing with evil spirits or entities.

The Catholic Church has a vast collection of books and knowledge. While many claim they burned much over the centuries, I do believe they kept copies of what they found just in case they had to deal with something.
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